(ie8 facebook "feature" - link is "cut" not to cliplboard but separated...)
(apparently the icon of youtube and description is broken in ie8 - youtube link in facebook update state (?))
the "bug" persists in @MozillaFirefox#firefox 8 !!! why ???
propably YouTube stopped ShareThis #sharing #information and #data with +GreeceCrete @facebook +Data Oriented Design :-(
Μου αρέσει! · · Πριν από 4 λεπτά στην περιοχή Palaión FálironSee 1 more post from +Eleftherios Kosmas +Κοσμάς Π. Σ. Καραβόπουλος - NO I #doNOTlike repeating myself ... (@donot @ΤιΣκεφτεστε +dotdotdot#whatareyouthinking +Forthnet shop ΚΟΡΥΔΑΛΛΟΣ)
note: I am following - watching 10 in plus.Σύμπτυξη αυτής της ανάρτησης

– Jamaica's King Bullett and Chicago areas Djtimmyb come together for
the first time in west coast florida and record a dubstyle live acoustic
jam of Bob
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