Πέμπτη, Νοέμβριος 17, 2011
working title - correct copy paste due to "mark angle left right" feature of blogger dot com blogspot dot com
Κοσμάς Π. Σ. Καραβόπουλος - 8:52 μ.μ. - Δημόσιο

<#postscript @postscript story "changed" @changes @davidbowie during #feed (ing) the #socialmedia #socialnetwork (s) ! - +Social Media +SocialNewsNetwork patric star +spyros arsenikos stam vel )
Due to an ms ie8 "feature", plusone.google dot com in youtube dot com - recommend does not work. Installing firefox 8 finally in #win7sp1ult64bit ... - the following link was copy pasted
- and I have a very strange story to "tell" you for today 17/11/2011 - 17 november 2011 after christ ("true" cross not the "fake" one on plus.google #dot com #icon)
@Slashdot.org#slashdot #Slash the musician slash (!) guitar player #ClintEastwood -
- (ie8 facebook "feature" - link is "cut" on purpose not to clipboard but #separated ... not anymore !!! see explanation below) - (apparently the icon of youtube and description is broken in ie8 - youtube link in facebook update state (?)) -the "bug" persists in Mozilla Firefox 8 !!! why ??? -propably YouTube stopped ShareThis #sharing #information and #data with @Facebook Greece @facebook @Data:-(
(keep reading its a "bug" ! +American University - further details below
you may have to read from the start after finishing reading this #article (#cause #effect)) (parentheses doublechecked ! - its a @gift and a @curse)
(leftangle)I owe you a #strangestory dear +FLUX Google+(rightangle)
- and I have a very strange story to "tell" you for today 17/11/2011 - 17 november 2011 after christ ("true" cross not the "fake" one on plus.google #dot com #icon) Slashdot.org @slash Clint Eastwood
(ie8 facebook "feature" - link is "cut" not to cliplboard but separated...)
(apparently the icon of youtube and description is broken in ie8 - youtube link in facebook update state (?))
the "bug" persists in @MozillaFirefox#firefox 8 !!! why ???
propably YouTube stopped ShareThis #sharing #information and #data with +GreeceCrete @facebook +Data Oriented Design :-(
Μου αρέσει! · · Πριν από 4 λεπτά στην περιοχή Palaión FálironSee 1 more post from +Eleftherios Kosmas +Κοσμάς Π. Σ. Καραβόπουλος - NO I #doNOTlike repeating myself ... (@donot @ΤιΣκεφτεστε +dotdotdot#whatareyouthinking +Forthnet shop ΚΟΡΥΔΑΛΛΟΣ)
note: I am following - watching 10 in plus.
Σύμπτυξη αυτής της ανάρτησηςDue to an ms ie8 "feature", plusone.google dot com in youtube dot com - recommend does not work. Installing firefox 8 finally in #win7sp1ult64bit ... - the following link was copy pasted
- and I have a very strange story to "tell" you for today 17/11/2011 - 17 november 2011 after christ ("true" cross not the "fake" one on plus.google #dot com #icon)
@Slashdot.org#slashdot #Slash the musician slash (!) guitar player #ClintEastwood -
- (ie8 facebook "feature" - link is "cut" on purpose not to clipboard but #separated ... not anymore !!! see explanation below) - (apparently the icon of youtube and description is broken in ie8 - youtube link in facebook update state (?)) -the "bug" persists in Mozilla Firefox 8 !!! why ??? -propably YouTube stopped ShareThis #sharing #information and #data with @Facebook Greece @facebook @Data:-(
(keep reading its a "bug" ! +American University - further details below
you may have to read from the start after finishing reading this #article (#cause #effect)) (parentheses doublechecked ! - its a @gift and a @curse)
(leftangle)I owe you a #strangestory dear +FLUX Google+(rightangle)
- and I have a very strange story to "tell" you for today 17/11/2011 - 17 november 2011 after christ ("true" cross not the "fake" one on plus.google #dot com #icon) Slashdot.org @slash Clint Eastwood
(ie8 facebook "feature" - link is "cut" not to cliplboard but separated...)
(apparently the icon of youtube and description is broken in ie8 - youtube link in facebook update state (?))
the "bug" persists in @MozillaFirefox#firefox 8 !!! why ???
propably YouTube stopped ShareThis #sharing #information and #data with +GreeceCrete @facebook +Data Oriented Design :-(
Μου αρέσει! · · Πριν από 4 λεπτά στην περιοχή Palaión FálironSee 1 more post from +Eleftherios Kosmas +Κοσμάς Π. Σ. Καραβόπουλος - NO I #doNOTlike repeating myself ... (@donot @ΤιΣκεφτεστε +dotdotdot#whatareyouthinking +Forthnet shop ΚΟΡΥΔΑΛΛΟΣ)
note: I am following - watching 10 in plus.

– Jamaica's King Bullett and Chicago areas Djtimmyb come together for
the first time in west coast florida and record a dubstyle live acoustic
jam of Bob